We are committed to "all energy-related products and services" as our business domain, and through our generator business, mainly GENERAC and TEDOM products, dispatching and trial operation business for various plants, building maintenance business, renewable energy business such as biogas and solar power generation, and these corporate activities, we will establish an environmental management system and continuously work to prevent environmental pollution, create a sustainable society, and protect the environment.
Organization: CaPLANT Co.,Ltd.
Business Activities : Import, sales, and O&M of various types of generators
認証基準 : ISO 14001:2015・JIS Q 14001:2015
登録日 : 2023年1月24日
有効期限 : 2026年1月23日
登録証番号 : EC22J0017
認証機関 : 株式会社日本環境認証機構(JACO)
認定機関 : 公益財団法人 日本適合性認定協会(JAB)
We will actively expand sales of environmentally friendly products that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote efficient and sustainable use of energy, and contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, thereby mitigating environmental impacts at our customers' sites.
We will strive to prevent environmental pollution by chemical substances and oil, reduce their impact, reduce emissions of air pollutants, and reduce and properly dispose of hazardous waste and wastewater.
We will comply with relevant environmental laws, regulations, and other requirements.
We will periodically review our work processes to improve the efficiency of our internal work systems and to conserve resources and energy. We also set environmental objectives and targets to achieve our environmental policy, and review them periodically.
To achieve our environmental objectives and targets, we educate all people who work for or on behalf of our company to continuously improve and raise their awareness of environmental management.
We will strive to build a recycling-oriented society by reducing, reusing, and recycling waste.
The environmental policy is documented, implemented, maintained, and made known to all persons working for or on behalf of the Company, and disclosed to interested parties.
Establishment : April 1, 2023
CaPLANT Co.,Ltd. President and Representative Director: Yukichi Ijichi